Wednesday, April 28, 2010

love and pain

pain for others loved
is worse than my own.
hands empty
words useless
prayers cold and awkward...
Hope lost for a moment as the weight of the world weighs down.
"do not be anxious" recalled;
obedience complicated and uncompromising,
yet required.
petitions fly
artless prayers stammered out-
tears fall freely to the floor.
Then the Counsel;
clear and precise
with calm resolve,
Guidance graciously given to the depleted mess of me.
and I begin again the endless list that directs me Home...

1398. "mommy, you're special" and
1399. sweet purity smile of my strawberry blond
1400. sunshine on back at picnic table
1401. weeds seen as beautiful treasures
1402. golden book stories with Eloise Wilkins pictures
1403. sister-play: coloring life-sized portraits
1404. Christ-love bond when in need
1405. the smell garlic bread
1406. being reminded that others have problems, too
1407. 1408. new batteries
1409. sweet song of head-phoned kids
1410. dishes that can wait until tomorrow
1411. heavy eyes when it's time to sleep
1412. memory verse soothing in the night
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