Wednesday, August 18, 2010

unending gratitudes...

pretend food
eldest child's unending creativity (even the misspellings)
2nd showing of the house this Friday
dinner at a friend's
being told a real life adventure
seeing someone deeply thankful
only one more day alone
a yard man in a pinch
deviled eggs
a good book list
sharing a good book list
child's first real haircut
four good haircuts in 30 minutes
getting ice cream afterwards
children playing so effortlessly

pretend oven and pot
painter's tape
finding a lost receipt
 not having insurance anymore
sharing medical costs with others
fields of sunflower glory
handmade wooden furniture
friendly small town post office
sweet sister-in-law helpfulness
receiving an extremely thoughtful gift

pretend homemade lemonade
watching church bounty-blessings play together
different time zones, same goal
tears on napkins
a long drive
flowing fuchsia petunias
child tenderness
shoes remembered by the forgetful one
baby boy hugs & kisses
perfect driving weather
dependability of eldest
sweeping dust under a rug for once

play food being a balanced diet
local vineyard
old friendship commitment
sweet memories
hope for the future
too many gratitudes to keep up with...
finding them on scraps of paper...
running through my head at night...
being grateful.