Tuesday, May 17, 2011

on suffering for a prolonged period of time

When the pain comes in waves, much like the birth-joy pain,
and there is not a thing to do but wait;
wait for the feverfew and ginger to wash over the wound in my head-
they come... gently, quietly...  but surely.
The waves wash and I see that I can endure greater things than I had expected.
Never have I used the Creator's name more, for help and comfort.
Never has the pain seemed so unbearably bearable.
And I realize that suffering is alright.  Life is not beyond the suffering; on the days that I feel well only.
Life is here as the swell subsides and I ready myself for the next, breath deep and wait;
Calling on the Name that one day ends all pain.
And then I realize that the last was worse than the now and I am grateful.
And the end slowly comes and a new beginning dawns.

continual gratitudes...

scarfed girl feeding chickens in prairie dress
Nehemiah named crocked beaked chick favorite
family breakfast on time (for a change)
feeling NORMAL after a migraine week
sore back from glorious day garden work
planning a garden for storage
first spring garden- so easy!
baby boy working diligent this morning on house chores
middle one thanking me for letting her sort the clothes(!)
(it's usually the eldest's chore)
teacher-husband-made swing in constant use
resting on the sabbath (learning how to)
sleeping all night 2 days in a row (no headache return)
eldest-inspired impromptu luncheon
handmade invitations
playing dress-up @ thirty-nine
one step closer to a planted garden